In English

Who we are
Screen&Marknaden, founded in 1988, is a Swedish trade magazine for Printing, Profile/signage and Promotion/give-aways. The magazine has about 3,500 receivers distributed for free amongst companies and decision makers within the bransch. This means that Screen&Marknaden has a very broad coverage which is appreciated by both our readers and advertisers.

What we do
With the paper edition of the magazine, it is our goal to pin-point the right receivers and decision makers to help them make safe investments by providing relevant, up-to-date news and articles about the printing industry. This, alongside with our continuing efforts to widely spread the PDF-version of the magazine, constitutes our foremost dedication to become the number one Swedish bransch magazine for Printing, Profile and Promotion.

Prices and services
Screen&Marknaden offers advertisers to expose their products and services to thousands of potential customers to the Swedish markets lowest rates. This is made possible by our ground-breaking ad-climate. We only accept full and half pages and if you book ad-space for 8 issues in a row you get a 40% discount on half and full pages and 40% discount on cover 2 – 3, back and spread. The discount include lay-ins and specific placements.

Price examples:

  • Full-page, 8 issues in a row: 8,500 SEK per insertion
  • Half-page, 8 issues in a row: 4,500 SEK per insertion

Price list and publishing dates (opens in a new window) for 2022 along with deadlines and technical information.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Best regards
Mr. Elmer Törnquist
Editor in chief
+46(0)72-294 63 69

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